SINOR SARL Odoo Version 14.0
Information about the SINOR SARL instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.
Installed Applications
- Sales
- From quotations to invoices
- Hide Price,Add To Cart Button, Quantity From website
- Hide the price,Add TO Cart Button and Quantity of the product if user is not login
- Invoicing
- Invoices & Payments
- Website
- Enterprise website builder
- Inventory
- Manage your stock and logistics activities
- Purchase
- Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
- eCommerce
- Sell your products online
- Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Orders & BOMs
- Expenses
- Submit, validate and reinvoice employee expenses
- Employees
- Centralize employee information
- Account Financial Reports
- OCA Financial Reports
- Account Invoice Import Simple PDF
- Import simple PDF vendor bills
- Overdue Invoice Reminder
- Simple mail/letter/phone overdue customer invoice reminder
- Atharva Theme Base
- Base module for Atharva E-commerce themes
- Discuss
- Chat, mail gateway and private channels
- Contacts
- Centralize your address book
- Calendar
- Schedule employees' meetings
- Blogs
- Publish blog posts, announces, news
Installed Localizations / Account Charts
- Factur-X Invoices for France
- France-specific module to generate Factur-X invoices
- Factur-X Invoices Import for France
- France-specific module to import Factur-X invoices
- Account Invoice Import Simple PDF - France
- Invoice import simple PDF: match partners using SIREN
- L10n FR Account Tax UNECE
- Auto-configure UNECE params on French taxes
- France VAT Return
- VAT return for France: CA3, 3310-A, 3519
- VAT Teletransmission via
- Teletransmit CA3 via (subscription required)
- L10n FR Business Document Import
- Adapt the module base_business_document_import for France
- France - FEC
- Fichier d'Échange Informatisé (FEC) for France
- France - OCA Chart of Account
- Fork of l10n_fr: fewer taxes, ready for OCA VAT return for France
- SIRET Lookup
- Lookup partner via an API on the SIRENE directory